Thursday, August 2, 2012

FUNd for Teachers

FUNd for Teachers
Mission Statement for Fund for Teacher:
“Fund for Teachers enriches the personal and professional growth of teachers by recognizing and supporting them as they identify and pursue opportunities around the globe that will have the greatest impact on their practice, the academic lives of their students and on their school communities.”          OK, so I took the bait.  I applied for a grant.  I wrote 8,000 words about where I wanted to go, what I wanted to study, and how this journey would enhance my classroom teaching.   I was sort of last minute, ok…last two weeks, in writing the grant.  Research, e-mails, Google, tour books, and some sleepless nights helped me find the words to create the journey of a lifetime.  My first statement in the grant was, “The saying “you are never too old to learn” is one I embrace. One of the primary goals to obtain the fellowship is to inspire students to not be just lifelong learners, but to be lifelong thinkers.  Not every student will strive to be an environmentalist, conservation extraordinaire, or superb steward of the earth, but it is my hope to assist them to develop a keen awareness of and sensitivity to environmental issues.”  There, I am done.  But wait; now I only need 7,923 more words!  And the words came.  I read and re-read, spell checked and grammar checked, and kept thinking…is this good enough?  After reading the application for the umpteenth time, I finally had the nerve to hit SEND. Then, I had to try to put it in the back of my mind, filed in the “Wait and See” folder which is located right next to the “Anxious Anticipation” folder in the far reaches of my mind.   The day the envelope arrived, I almost missed getting my mail at school.  But, luckily, Andrea was there and unlocked the door…do I open it now or slide it in my bag to open at home?  With childish abandon, I opened and stood there just staring at the word “Congratulations”….that was all I needed to read and I ran out the door!                                                                                                                                                                              As I look back on the process of writing the grant, my very first statement is holding true to my goals.  I will accomplish those first critical words, which have not changed.  But what has changed is how I will accomplish those goals.  My application was focused on just the North Island but I soon learned that I should plan some time on Stewart Island which is at the very southern tip of the South Island.  Perrin with FFT, graciously accepted my change of plans.  She understands that the trip can evolve and change to become a journey.                                                                                                                                                There are so many people to thank.  First, thank you to Fund for Teachers for fulfilling my dream to study in New Zealand, to my co-teachers and administrators who inspire me to be the best I can be as they set the bar high every day,  to my family who supports me so that I may take this journey (I love you!), to my friends who are sharing in my excitement, to Bob who realizes that I am a true Science Geek and that we need to explore New Zealand by tramping (hiking) on a future trip, and to all the Kiwis (New Zealanders) that I have met on-line and have made me feel welcome even before my arrival.  I look forward to hearing from each of you during my journey. And, if you are so inclined, prayers for safe travel will be appreciated, especially when I get behind the wheel of the car and drive on the LEFT (OMG!).                                                                                                   Cheers,  Anne                                                                                                                                      Link to Fund for Teachers:

1 comment:

  1. WOW!! Its really cool that you got the opportunity to go on this trip, I'm really excited to learn more about it!

    ~Erin Siedlecki
